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Monday, October 19, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not work two extra days this week because we are training new staff in our office. I am a wonderful stay at home mom and most certainly did not do that!

I did not jump for joy last week when hubby finally delivered his very  last 3 benches to the City of Fort Bragg. I am completely supportive of my husbands business ventures and did not do that. Nope not me!

I do not secretly hope that they do not call him for an additional 27 benches. I am the best wife in the world and do not wish negative things. nope not me.

When my husband called on Thursday and asked if he should take Friday off and go Pig Hunting I did not encourage him to go. That was not me!

He most certainly did not take Saturday off as well just so that he and I could go on a date for the first time in two months. Nope, that certainly was not us.

I did not name the pig that he got hunting Piggly Wiggly. Nope not me!

I most certainly did not neglect to take a shower before Sunday School this week. I take a shower everyday and would not miss one for any reason. nope not me!

When my aunt asked why hubby was so happy on Sunday my mother did not answer “he went hunting and got a pig so he’s in ‘Hog Heaven’!” and I most certainly did not laugh out loud at her pun. Nope not me!

I did not offer to make my parents dinner on Sunday at their house because I did not want to be home when hubby ground up the pig that he got hunting. nope not me.

Did you do things that you aren’t proud of this week? Do you need to get them off of your chest. Head over to MckMama’s blog and join us!



  1. Hehehe- sounds like lots of fun!

  2. What a fun blog...I am a little late on the blog hop...Loved visiting your blog...I love the blog hops....
    Be sure and stop by my Christmas blog...a great giveaway will be given away Sunday night....


Thank you for stopping by. Words of encouragement are always welcome. I will try to encourage you as well!